It's the most wonderful time of the year...even if it is 2020

With Halloween behind us and Thanksgiving right around the corner it's time to start thinking all things holiday decor.

Whether you're a classic kind of decorations person or you prefer a more edgy approach this year more than ever you have every reason to decorate.

Usually I'm a strict Friday after Thanksgiving decorator. This year however I say all rules are off and do whatever makes you happy!

I have decided to approach this season with a slow roll out of decor, putting out some festive decorations earlier than others.

Each year I collect more and more decorations for the season so the following year no decor scheme is ever the exact same. I always recommend clients mix decor up each year with different layouts, placements and uses of all the decorations in their arsenal.

I also like to approach different decor vibes in each room. One room I usually do my favorite color scheme black and white, usually my more formal living room. The christmas tree is always in the same place as it's the only place large enough to hold the big tree I insist on getting each year.

You can always mix up stocking placement for example. Last year I wrapped our stockings around our kitchen island counter chairs.

I also like to include the kids when I can to make them feel like they were an integral part of the process. This year I bought a felt Christmas tree for my almost 2 year old to decorate her own tree (and hopefully avoid playing with the real one).

At the end of the day do what makes you feel happiest as early as you want. Just make sure you've got your favorite Christmas carols on blast in the background all season long!


It's just paint...or is it?

It's just paint...or is it?

Paint color can be an agonizing and terrifying process for some.  Understandably it is a big decision, however what I tell clients is that at the end of the day it really is just paint.  Paint can be updated, re-painted and reworked in many ways.  Paint is a relatively inexpensive way to update a space and make a real difference. 

The real challenge comes in choosing a paint color.  I always encourage clients to veer away from plain white.  For example in my own home I have intrepid grey by Sherwin Williams in all of my hallways and transitions.  It creates a more interesting depth throughout the space whereas white tends to fall boring and flat overtime.  

When it comes to choosing a paint color for a specific room there are multiple elements to consider.  What is the purpose of the room? What type of natural light does the room have? What type of wear and tear does the room experience?  Depending on the answers the direction you go can be greatly affected.  For example is the space a room where lots of traffic comes and goes.  Maybe it's a room for entertaining versus a room for play with children.  All of these factors come into play.  

Some clients can be weary of darker colors at first however the final product of a rich dark color can be very impactful.  In a room that gets nice natural light a darker color can create a luxurious environment.  If there isn't a ton of natural light not to worry. I use a stain finish paint which helps reflect any artificial light placed in the space.  

Lighter colors are always a great option as well.  Many times I recommend to clients to use light colors all the way through the space, including chair rails and moldings.  It creates a more interesting view within the room.  

At the end of the day taking a risk with paint almost always pays off.  It's an easy way to update a space without changing the room entirely and is a great budget saver.  At the end of the day the great thing about paint is it can always be painted over ;)


The Joy of keeping things...

Why is it so hard for us to let go of “things”…?


One of my biggest challenges with clients is helping them get rid of things they simply don’t use, need or even want anymore.  With the rise in popularity of Marie Condo and her Japanese art of organizing many people are throwing caution to the wind along with years worth of stuff out the window.  This phenomenon, while cleansing and uplifting isn’t always the most practical approach.  Throwing things away simply for the fact that they no longer bring you joy is great, however it isn’t the only reason one holds onto something. 


Often times clients hold onto pieces of loved ones no longer with us, items they are convinced they will one day use, or something that reminds them of how far they’ve come in their own life journey.  It’s ok to hold onto things as long as they truly serve a purpose, even if an emotional one.  The key is to keep things organized with a common sense approach. 


While I do not recommend keeping the sofa you had when you were first dating your husband, things like a memory box can often house some of the more sentimental elements of your history.  I love a well crafted leather case that hides little love notes, theater ticket stubs, airplane tickets and so on.  The memories and “stuff” now have a home and can also provide a bit of styling on a bookshelf or console table as a conversation piece for the room. 


Now grandmothers wedding dress is a different story.  Totally understandable if you cannot part ways, you just need to be practical and organized about its storage.  If you are lucky enough to have plenty of storage great, if not you need to consider a way to either put it on display as an actual design moment or pack it up and carefully place it with other year round storage such as holiday décor and travel necessities. 


Closet cleanses and “stuff” bingeing is great, as long as it’s something you truly want to do.  There is no need to feel sad or guilty about getting rid of things you actually do want to keep, just like design, organization can be fun as well as functional. 

Rain rain go away come again NO other day!

The DMV certainly can be a fickle weather wench this time of year.  One day it's in the 80's and the next day its 45 degrees with rain and clouds to boot!  Living in a four season region does present many a design and organizational challenges. 

"Where do these darn puffer coats go?"  "Don't bring those wet wellingtons into this house!"  These are a few of the complaints I get from clients who want their chaotic lives to look clean and simple.  Family of seven? No problem, we've got you covered!

Built-Ins are a fabulous way to create a high end custom feature while providing much needed storage.  The built-ins below are from a project I did in North West Washington D.C.  The clients needed a place to put children's sports gear, seasonal attire and those bobs and bits that always seem to find there way into the entryway of homes.  

Here you can see ample storage behind cabinets as well as the above open shelving with matching striped bins for the things we need day to day but don't want to see.  The hooks are all lined with classic clear London Fog umbrellas creating a linear perspective that is attractive and practical all at the same time.  The finishing touch was the owners incredible collection of fashion wellingtons!  Needless to say this chic Washingtonian family will never be caught in the rain without the appropriate attire ;) 



Burberry and Jimmy Choo and Valentino oh my!

Burberry and Jimmy Choo and Valentino oh my!

Feelin Like It’s Spring Out Go On Brush your shoulders off…

OR in our case brush the dust off of all things outdoor living!

Can you tell we’re excited about Spring in the DMV?!?  It’s been a long and challenging winter and we are READY for sun and Sangria.

Have you included your outdoor pieces in your spring-cleaning?

Here are my top tips to get you entertaining and ready to relax:

·     Rip off your dust covers and start cleaning the furniture itself.  (Even when covered furniture can become a victim of elements so it’s good to clean)

·     Take stock of what needs replacing (no one wants to see Grandpa fall through your weathered wicker; or wants to see wicker for that matter)

·     Invest in updated throw pillows.  Even if your furniture cushions are neutral, or entirely wood, pillows are an easy way to bring color into your vignette.

·     Reach out to your Architectural Landscaper or Gardner to make sure he has you on his regular rounds.

·     Take a stab at a solar study ( a fancy way of saying where will the sun be at what times of day).  This will help you determine what pieces go where and how you can take the most of longer lighter days.

·     Stock up on Rose’ because you’re ready to enjoy!


This Lee Uncovered Double Chaise could be yours...This could be YOU!

This Lee Uncovered Double Chaise could be yours...This could be YOU!

The Night They Invented Champagne

Hester Browne said it best “Always keep a bottle of Champagne in the fridge for special occasions. Sometimes, the special occasion is that you’ve got a bottle of Champagne in the fridge.” Life is too short; we're going to drink the champagne!

It’s getting warmer, the days are getting longer and the Rose’ is on full demand in the DMV.  It’s time to dust off your outdoor furnishings, grab your finest linen trousers and get to entertaining.  Life is meant to be lived, are you too busy chasing a dream to enjoy your life?  I find clients often neglect the outdoor space when designing their homes.  “We’re never going to use it” or “we don’t really entertain enough…” but with 90% of our lives spent inside, it’s imperative to take time to get out and take in some fresh air. 

I love this seasons Summer Classics and Lee Industries Uncovered collections, they are beyond gorgeous and durable to boot!  Being house-proud does not have to be confined to four walls, get outside and live!



This Summer Classics Vignette is transporting us straight to the South of France, whose coming with me?!?!

This Summer Classics Vignette is transporting us straight to the South of France, whose coming with me?!?!